Hi All
Just a quick note to say our Tag a Turtle Website has finally gone live!! It can be viewed at www.tag-a-turtle-.co.uk
And almost as if to commemorate the occasion, my monthly BBC Wildlife magazine popped through the post box today and in it...a seven page spread about 'Arribada,' spanish for 'Arrival from the sea' The arrival being the onslaught of female Olive and Kemp's Ridley Turtles who, driven by an ancient ancestral urge, come ashore the deserted beaches of North West Costa Rica to lay their precious cargo in the sand.
However this is the beginning of a journey that some turtles never even get the chance to make... that is why the Tag a Turtle project to us and to other marine conservationists, biologists, and enthusiasts is so important. To raise awareness for our amazing oceans and all the incredible creatures who roam within them, and how we can make a difference. For all the info, action and events visit the website and for any further info you can contact us at: info@tag-a-turtle.co.uk

Have a great week, see you all after my mushing ventures in finland...
Nic :)
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